Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners

It is the responsibility of every licensed practical nurse with a Louisiana license to notify the board office immediately in the event of a name change. Remember, the name on your license is the name you must use when signing nursing notes, medication administration records, etc., and it must match your personnel records.

The Louisiana Administrative Code relating to Practical Nursing (Title 46:XLVII, Professional and Occupational Standards:  Nurses: Subpart 1: Practical Nurses) states the following:

§1709. Name Change

    1.  A licensee requesting a name change on the license form shall forward a request to the board  accompanied by a certified and true copy of a legal document. Licensees shall sign all practice related documents legibly using the name printed on the license.

AUTHORITY NOTE:  Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:969.

HISTORICAL NOTE:  Promulgated by the Department of Health and Human Resources, Board of Practical Nurse Examiners, LR 3:200 (April 1977), amended LR 10:342 (April 1984), LR 36:2560 (November 2010).


From within your Nurse Portal account, scroll to the “Other Applications” section.  Choose “Apply”, then from the list of other applications, choose “Name Change Application”.  Complete all information as requested to include the upload of the two required documents as indicated below:


  1. Certified document from the court which granted the name change (example:  marriage license, divorce decree, or name change order). Please note that the marriage license which has been processed through the court system is the only accepted form of document for a marriage.
  2. Copy of current state issued driver’s license.


Please note that by signing this online application, you are attesting that the documents you have uploaded regarding your name change request are the original, certified documents processed through a court and that no alterations have been made to such documents.  Our office reserves the right to request the original, certified document for our records if needed.


Once our office has received the online application and reviewed the items requested above, the name change will be processed. Please allow 3-5 business days for this process.   It may be verified on Nursys (www.nursys.com) or in your nurse portal account.  You will not receive further written confirmation from our office regarding the updated name change.