Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners

Our History

Mission Statement

Board Information

Board Meetings

Board Members & Staff

Advisory Committee


The first meeting of the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners was held at Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans on Wednesday, January 12, 1949.

The 5 members in attendance were selected from a list submitted to Governor Earl K. Long.

In 1950, the Louisiana revised statutes, Title 37, the Law related to the practice of Practical Nursing was enacted prescribing minimum curricula and minimum standards for practical nurses and courses for practical nurses, as well as approving and monitoring for compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the state.  LSBPNE examines and licenses qualified applicants, renews licenses, and ensures that the LPNs in Louisiana are providing safe care to its citizens.

Prior to the first meeting, the rules were set for waiving license requirements for those nurses who were in practice.  Applicants for licensure were required to submit a recommendation for 4 physicians with whom they worked for at least one year.  A total of 2969 licenses were issued by the Waiver Act.  In 1949, 509 licenses were issued.  The Waiver Act was removed through legislative amendment in 1954.

Mission Statement

The mission of the LSBPNE is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public by providing reasonable assurance that persons who practice practical nursing are competent, ethical practitioners with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities appropriate to the title and role of the licensed practical nurse.

Board Information

The Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners (LSBPNE) is a regulatory agency of state government given the responsibility to enforce laws which pertain to the practice of practical nursing.

The legislature authorizes the board to carry out these responsibilities through La. Law, Title 37, Chapter 11, Part II. Practical Nurses, Section 961-979.

The board is comprised of 13 members consisting of six licensed practical nurses, two registered nurses, four physicians, and one consumer member each appointed by the governor of Louisiana. (see Board Members)


  • Licensing of qualified individuals as licensed practical nurses.
  • Establishment of regulations for education of nurses and approval of nursing education programs.
  • Investigation of all allegations reported against a licensed practical nurse. while providing due process to the licensed practical nurse.
  • Disciplinary action against any licensed practical nurse who is found to have violated the Nurse Practice Act (NPA).
  • Promulgation of rules which assist the board to carry out its duties.

Board Meetings

Board Meeting Agenda

March 2025

Dates & Times

March 21, 2025 - 9:30am

New Orleans Marriott - Metairie at Lakeway

3838 N. Causeway Blvd.

Metairie, LA  70002

A portion of this meeting may be conducted in executive session (closed to the public).

Board meeting minutes


Committee Meeting Agenda





Ms. Roberta Connelley was recently recognized for her service to the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners. She has generously served on the board for over 25 years. It is with great pleasure to announce that her appointment has been renewed.


Along with Ms. Connelley, Myra Collins, Janie Cypret, Gwendolyn Dunn, and Candace Melancon have also be re-appointed.


We thank all of you for continuing to serve the state of Louisiana.

Board Members

Myra Collins, LPN
Board Chairwoman

Barbara Gibbs, RN
Secretary / Treasurer

Patricia M. Artieta
Consumer Member

Roberta Connelley, RN

Janie Cypret, LPN

Gwendolyn M. Dunn, LPN

Candace Melancon, LPN

Matthew A. McQueen, M.D.

Albertha Prince, LPN

Board Members Not Pictured:

Celeste Cogswell, LPN

Rodney Tregle, M.D.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee was formed in accordance with Title 46, Part XLVII, § 311.  The committee consists of a broad spectrum of the community.  The purpose shall be to advise the Board of Practical Nurse Examiners in matters which require study and/or investigation relating to practical nursing or practical nursing education in Louisiana.

Advisory Committee Meeting

Advisory Committee Agenda


Scheduled Meeting:



131 Airline Drive, Suite 301

Metairie, La  70001