All renewal of licenses for LPNs will be completed through your Nurse Portal account. After your Nurse Portal account has been created, you will be able to access/login to it through the LSBPNE website.
Once you have signed into your Nurse Portal account, proceed to the section entitled “Your Licenses with Louisiana-PN”. You will choose the "Apply for Renewal" link to begin your renewal.
The renewal link will only appear during the active renewal period which is November 1st through January 31st. ONLY current and active LPNs that have not yet renewed their license, will be able to access the renewal link. The total cost to renew a current license is $61.08 and is payable by Visa, Mastercard, or Discover ONLY.
After midnight January 31st, if you have not renewed your license for the current year, your license will become Inactive - Lapsed. To renew the Inactive - Lapsed license, a link will appear to "Apply for Reinstatement". The total cost to renew the Inactive - Lapsed license is $162.88 and is payable by Visa, Mastercard, or Discover ONLY.
To avoid additional fees and penalties due to the late renewal of your license, it is strongly advised that all LPNs renew their license early in the open renewal period.
Please continue to check our website for the latest information regarding your LPN license.